Thursday, March 5, 2020

[Update] More Public Video Pledges

[Update] More Public Video Pledges Continuing from our first post of Public Video Pledges, weve received more from dedicated Challengers all over the world who have bravely posted their Public Video Pledge! (Click here for more details) We are very impressed by the massive turnout of Challengers from all around the world.  As we mentioned at the start of the Challenge,  we’ve got hundreds of Challengers learning more than 30+ languages on italki!  However, we did not mention the number of people who are not just learning one language but learning two or even three languages for the Challenge!  If you havent started learning a new language yet, you need to watch these Public Video Pledges as we hope these will serve as some inspiration for you to kickstart your New Years Resolution to learn a new language now! Tom from San Francisco We were blown away with this Public Video Pledge because Tom is not just learning one language or even two langauges  He is one of the few (there actually could be many more) that are learning 3 languages for the Language Challenge!  His Public Video Pledge is a bit longer than others because he speaks in 3 different languages (French, Norwegian, and Chinese) in the video. Please let him know how awesome he is by commenting on his post!  You have to check this out! Kirstin from New Zealand Kirstin is not just any Challenger, shes also a CELTA qualified New Zealand-born Professional English Teacher on italki.  Kirstin is in the category of Challengers who is learning not just one but two languages during the Language Challenge.   Shes learning Spanish and Chinese.  Please leave some words of encouragement on her notebook entry.  Her video is very impressive as she starts off with the languages that she is learning then goes into English, her native language. Ellen from the United Kingdom Halfway across the world, we have Ellen who is also learning multiple languages.  As a Community Tutor on italki, Ellen teaches English and is learning French and Japanese for the Language Challenge.  Cheer her on by commenting on her Notebook Entry! Fermin from Mexico Fermin is learning Chinese for the Language Challenge and is also a Community Tutor who teaches Spanish on italki.  His Chinese speaking skills are actually quite good already as you can see and hear from this video.  Show that you care by commenting on his notebook entry! Jaime from Peru We just received Jaimes Public Video Pledge.  Hes committed to taking 20 lessons learning Japanese to complete the Challenge.  His Japanese is already pretty good but he feels that he has some room to improve.    He even wrote his Notebook entry in Japanese so please show your support by saying some nice things to him to keep him motivated ?? Brad   from  Australia Brad is taking the Challenge for a very important reason to be able to speak to his girlfriends parents and family. Hes learning Spanish. Leave Brad some words of encouragement by commenting on his Notebook entry! Were pulling for you Brad and know you can complete the Challenge! Tak  from Thailand   Our Southeast Asia contingent finally has some representation with a Public Video Pledge.   Tak just joined italki on January 18th 3 days after the Challenge began but is brave enough to tackle the Challenge missing almost an entire week.  Wish him luck on his Notebook entry.  Taks pledge is made in Thai (his native language) and he is learning 3 languages for the Challenge: German, English and Japanese.   Not an easy task!  For those of you who are just learning one, this is very inspirational! Challengers, you have no excuses! If you just started the Language Challenge, you still have time to make a Public Video Pledge. Remember,  we’re giving away 50ITC if you make a Public Video Pledge!      If you really want to complete the challenge, a Public Video Pledge could be the right little motivator to make sure that you complete the Challenge as the world is watching and we all want you to succeed! Did I mention that were giving away 50ITC for one as well? [Update] More Public Video Pledges Continuing from our first post of Public Video Pledges, weve received more from dedicated Challengers all over the world who have bravely posted their Public Video Pledge! (Click here for more details) We are very impressed by the massive turnout of Challengers from all around the world.  As we mentioned at the start of the Challenge,  we’ve got hundreds of Challengers learning more than 30+ languages on italki!  However, we did not mention the number of people who are not just learning one language but learning two or even three languages for the Challenge!  If you havent started learning a new language yet, you need to watch these Public Video Pledges as we hope these will serve as some inspiration for you to kickstart your New Years Resolution to learn a new language now! Tom from San Francisco We were blown away with this Public Video Pledge because Tom is not just learning one language or even two langauges  He is one of the few (there actually could be many more) that are learning 3 languages for the Language Challenge!  His Public Video Pledge is a bit longer than others because he speaks in 3 different languages (French, Norwegian, and Chinese) in the video. Please let him know how awesome he is by commenting on his post!  You have to check this out! Kirstin from New Zealand Kirstin is not just any Challenger, shes also a CELTA qualified New Zealand-born Professional English Teacher on italki.  Kirstin is in the category of Challengers who is learning not just one but two languages during the Language Challenge.   Shes learning Spanish and Chinese.  Please leave some words of encouragement on her notebook entry.  Her video is very impressive as she starts off with the languages that she is learning then goes into English, her native language. Ellen from the United Kingdom Halfway across the world, we have Ellen who is also learning multiple languages.  As a Community Tutor on italki, Ellen teaches English and is learning French and Japanese for the Language Challenge.  Cheer her on by commenting on her Notebook Entry! Fermin from Mexico Fermin is learning Chinese for the Language Challenge and is also a Community Tutor who teaches Spanish on italki.  His Chinese speaking skills are actually quite good already as you can see and hear from this video.  Show that you care by commenting on his notebook entry! Jaime from Peru We just received Jaimes Public Video Pledge.  Hes committed to taking 20 lessons learning Japanese to complete the Challenge.  His Japanese is already pretty good but he feels that he has some room to improve.    He even wrote his Notebook entry in Japanese so please show your support by saying some nice things to him to keep him motivated ?? Brad   from  Australia Brad is taking the Challenge for a very important reason to be able to speak to his girlfriends parents and family. Hes learning Spanish. Leave Brad some words of encouragement by commenting on his Notebook entry! Were pulling for you Brad and know you can complete the Challenge! Tak  from Thailand   Our Southeast Asia contingent finally has some representation with a Public Video Pledge.   Tak just joined italki on January 18th 3 days after the Challenge began but is brave enough to tackle the Challenge missing almost an entire week.  Wish him luck on his Notebook entry.  Taks pledge is made in Thai (his native language) and he is learning 3 languages for the Challenge: German, English and Japanese.   Not an easy task!  For those of you who are just learning one, this is very inspirational! Challengers, you have no excuses! If you just started the Language Challenge, you still have time to make a Public Video Pledge. Remember,  we’re giving away 50ITC if you make a Public Video Pledge!      If you really want to complete the challenge, a Public Video Pledge could be the right little motivator to make sure that you complete the Challenge as the world is watching and we all want you to succeed! Did I mention that were giving away 50ITC for one as well? [Update] More Public Video Pledges Continuing from our  first post of Public Video Pledges, weve received more from dedicated Challengers all over the world who have bravely posted their Public Video Pledge! We want to applaud those all our Challengers who were brave enough to  publicly promising to finish the Challenge, but dont forget that theres still time for you to make your Public Video Pledge and earn 50ITC as a bonus!  (Click here for more details) We also hope that these pledges will serve as some inspiration  for you to learn a new language now! Murillo Costa   from Brazil This is a great Public Pledge from Murillo, who is also one of our Community Tutor. Murillo teaches Portuguese and he is learning French and Russian for the World Cup Language Challenge. He is committing 1 lesson of French and 2 lessons of Russian a week to finish the Challenge. Cheer him on by Notebook post here. Surprisingly, Murillo does not want Brazil to win the World Cup, but he supports Spain! Arthur   from Brazil Arthur is a beginner and he is taking the challenge to improve his Italian skills. He is committing to taking 2 to 3 lessons a week to complete the challenge. Show that you care by commenting on his Notebook entry. Arthur hopes Germany win the World Cup. Tosha   from the United States Tosha is learning Spanish for our World Cup Language Challenge and she is also a Community Tutor who teaches English on italki. Her Spanish speaking skills are actually quite good already as you can see and hear from this video below, but she really wants to take it to the next level since she will be spending some time in Mexico. Tosha is committing 2 to 3 English lessons a week to finish the Challenge. Please show your support by leaving some nice comments on her Notebook entry. Tosha wants Brazil to win the trophy! Jake   from England Jake is taking the World Cup Language Challenge to kickstart his Spanish and to reach fluency in it! He has committed at least 3 lessons a week. Please wish him good luck by commenting on his Notebook entry. Being British, Jake would like England to win the World Cup, but since he feels that the chances of that happening are not too right, he gives a resounding Come on Spain! Kevin   from the United States This is the first italki Language Challenge for Kevin, who has committed to taking 30 lessons learning Spanish over the next two months. His Spanish is already pretty good but he feels that he has some room to improve and bring it to the next level. Leave Kevin some words of encouragement by commenting on his Notebook entry. Kevin wishes USA to win the World Cup! Ashley   from the United States Ashely is another Challenger from the United States, she has been learning Hindi for the last two years and she took the World Cup Language Challenge as an opportunity to improve her listening skills and her grammar. She is committing 3 to 4 lessons a week to complete the Challenge. Give her some support by commenting on her Notebook post here. Shane   from the United States Shane is a college student who likes languages a lot. He has joined the World Cup Language Challenge to improve his German speaking abilities since he will be studying in Germany next year. His goal is to take 4 sections a week to complete the challenge. Shane is also one of our Community Tutor who enjoys helping people to learn English. Dont forget to comment on his Notebook entry here. Joseph G. Oliver   from the United States Joseph hails from the United States but is now living in Japan and he has decided to participate in the italki World Cup Challenge to further his knowledge of the German language. His goal is to reach level C1 by the end of the challenge. He is also a Professional Teachers on italki teaching English. Make sure to send him some words of encouragement in his Notebook entry here. Joseph loves Korea and so he really would like Korea to win the World Cup! Harry   from the United States Harry literally fell in love with Japan when he visited it and thats why he is trying to learn Japanese. His goal is to reach A2 level and to hold a conversation when he will going back to Japan on September. Help cheer Harry on by sending him words of encouragement in his Notebook entry. Harry doesnt mention anything about the World Cup but, since his love for Japan, were assuming hes rooting for Japan! Munique Vieira   from Brazil Munique is taking the World Cup Language Challenge to improve her English skills. She knows that English is a very important language so she is going to put all her efforts to take 2 or 3 lessons a week and complete the Challenge. Check out her notebook entry here and wish her good luck! Joelson   from Brazil It was hard for us to understand what Joelson was trying to say since no one of us can speak Portuguese, but it seems he will learn English during the World Cup Language Challenge. His goal at the end of the Challenge is to be able to publish the same video speaking in English! Were pulling for you Joelson and know you can complete the Challenge! Leave some words of encouragement by commenting on his notebook entry here! When we asked who he wants to win the World Cup, Joelson gives a resounding O Brasil e claro! Khang Nguyen   from Viet Nam Khang represents Viet Nam for our World Cup Language Challenge. He is committing one lesson a day to finish the Challenge in record time. In only one month he will improve his English focusing in particular on his speaking skills. Give him some support by commenting on his notebook post here! Ian   from the United States Ian is taking the Challenge for a very important reason to be able to speak with his family members when he goes to Cebu, which is in the Philippines. Hes learning Cebuano and he is committing 3 lessons a week to complete the Challenge. Lets encourage him by commenting on his notebook entry here! Ian will support the USA team during the World Cup! Jaime   from Perù Jaime is from Perù and he is in the category of the few Challengers who are learning not just onebut two languages during the World Cup Language Challenge. He is learning English and Japanese and he will be taking 3 lessons a week. Please let him know how awesome he is by commenting on his post!  You have to check this out! Shona Cammillare   from Ireland From Ireland we have Shona who is also one of our Professional Teachers on italki teaching English. She is learning Chinese for the World Cup Language Challenge and she is committing 3 to 4 lessons a week. Her Chinese speaking skills are actually quite good already as you can see and hear from this video. Show that you care by commenting on her notebook entry here! Shona is rooting for Japan during this World Cup. Jason   from the United States Our Community Tutor Jason has decided to put himself to the test learning Spanish. His Spanish is already pretty good, but he hopes that the Challenge will take his ability to the next level. Read his notebook entry and please leave some words of encouragement! Cynthia   from the United States Cynthia is learning Korean for the World Cup Language Challenge and shes committed to taking 2 to 3 lessons a week. She specifically wants to improve her speaking skills. Dont forget to send some words of encouragement in her notebook entry . Cynthia would like to see Brazil, Portugal, or Spain  win the World Cup! Pierre Bredel   from Brazil Pierre has signed up for the World Cup Language Challenge to improve his French skills. His dad is from France so he actually speaks French quite fluently already (check out his pledge!), but he really wants to push his ability to the next level. Show him some support by commenting on his notebook entry . Pierre predicts that its Brazil or French winning the World Cup! Amelia   from England Amelia is taking on Korean for the World Cup Language Challenge. Shes actually starting from scratch (actually 1 month in) to improve his French skills. She thought that the Challenge would be a bit too much at this stage in her Korean but after she sent us her Week 1 Update, it sounds like shes doing fine! Show her some support by commenting on her notebook entry . Amelia just sent up this her Week 1 Update. Not bad for a beginner at Korean, right? [Update] More Public Video Pledges Continuing from our  first post of Public Video Pledges, weve received more from dedicated Challengers all over the world who have bravely posted their Public Video Pledge! We want to applaud those all our Challengers who were brave enough to  publicly promising to finish the Challenge, but dont forget that theres still time for you to make your Public Video Pledge and earn 50ITC as a bonus!  (Click here for more details) We also hope that these pledges will serve as some inspiration  for you to learn a new language now! Murillo Costa   from Brazil This is a great Public Pledge from Murillo, who is also one of our Community Tutor. Murillo teaches Portuguese and he is learning French and Russian for the World Cup Language Challenge. He is committing 1 lesson of French and 2 lessons of Russian a week to finish the Challenge. Cheer him on by Notebook post here. Surprisingly, Murillo does not want Brazil to win the World Cup, but he supports Spain! Arthur   from Brazil Arthur is a beginner and he is taking the challenge to improve his Italian skills. He is committing to taking 2 to 3 lessons a week to complete the challenge. Show that you care by commenting on his Notebook entry. Arthur hopes Germany win the World Cup. Tosha   from the United States Tosha is learning Spanish for our World Cup Language Challenge and she is also a Community Tutor who teaches English on italki. Her Spanish speaking skills are actually quite good already as you can see and hear from this video below, but she really wants to take it to the next level since she will be spending some time in Mexico. Tosha is committing 2 to 3 English lessons a week to finish the Challenge. Please show your support by leaving some nice comments on her Notebook entry. Tosha wants Brazil to win the trophy! Jake   from England Jake is taking the World Cup Language Challenge to kickstart his Spanish and to reach fluency in it! He has committed at least 3 lessons a week. Please wish him good luck by commenting on his Notebook entry. Being British, Jake would like England to win the World Cup, but since he feels that the chances of that happening are not too right, he gives a resounding Come on Spain! Kevin   from the United States This is the first italki Language Challenge for Kevin, who has committed to taking 30 lessons learning Spanish over the next two months. His Spanish is already pretty good but he feels that he has some room to improve and bring it to the next level. Leave Kevin some words of encouragement by commenting on his Notebook entry. Kevin wishes USA to win the World Cup! Ashley   from the United States Ashely is another Challenger from the United States, she has been learning Hindi for the last two years and she took the World Cup Language Challenge as an opportunity to improve her listening skills and her grammar. She is committing 3 to 4 lessons a week to complete the Challenge. Give her some support by commenting on her Notebook post here. Shane   from the United States Shane is a college student who likes languages a lot. He has joined the World Cup Language Challenge to improve his German speaking abilities since he will be studying in Germany next year. His goal is to take 4 sections a week to complete the challenge. Shane is also one of our Community Tutor who enjoys helping people to learn English. Dont forget to comment on his Notebook entry here. Joseph G. Oliver   from the United States Joseph hails from the United States but is now living in Japan and he has decided to participate in the italki World Cup Challenge to further his knowledge of the German language. His goal is to reach level C1 by the end of the challenge. He is also a Professional Teachers on italki teaching English. Make sure to send him some words of encouragement in his Notebook entry here. Joseph loves Korea and so he really would like Korea to win the World Cup! Harry   from the United States Harry literally fell in love with Japan when he visited it and thats why he is trying to learn Japanese. His goal is to reach A2 level and to hold a conversation when he will going back to Japan on September. Help cheer Harry on by sending him words of encouragement in his Notebook entry. Harry doesnt mention anything about the World Cup but, since his love for Japan, were assuming hes rooting for Japan! Munique Vieira   from Brazil Munique is taking the World Cup Language Challenge to improve her English skills. She knows that English is a very important language so she is going to put all her efforts to take 2 or 3 lessons a week and complete the Challenge. Check out her notebook entry here and wish her good luck! Joelson   from Brazil It was hard for us to understand what Joelson was trying to say since no one of us can speak Portuguese, but it seems he will learn English during the World Cup Language Challenge. His goal at the end of the Challenge is to be able to publish the same video speaking in English! Were pulling for you Joelson and know you can complete the Challenge! Leave some words of encouragement by commenting on his notebook entry here! When we asked who he wants to win the World Cup, Joelson gives a resounding O Brasil e claro! Khang Nguyen   from Viet Nam Khang represents Viet Nam for our World Cup Language Challenge. He is committing one lesson a day to finish the Challenge in record time. In only one month he will improve his English focusing in particular on his speaking skills. Give him some support by commenting on his notebook post here! Ian   from the United States Ian is taking the Challenge for a very important reason to be able to speak with his family members when he goes to Cebu, which is in the Philippines. Hes learning Cebuano and he is committing 3 lessons a week to complete the Challenge. Lets encourage him by commenting on his notebook entry here! Ian will support the USA team during the World Cup! Jaime   from Perù Jaime is from Perù and he is in the category of the few Challengers who are learning not just onebut two languages during the World Cup Language Challenge. He is learning English and Japanese and he will be taking 3 lessons a week. Please let him know how awesome he is by commenting on his post!  You have to check this out! Shona Cammillare   from Ireland From Ireland we have Shona who is also one of our Professional Teachers on italki teaching English. She is learning Chinese for the World Cup Language Challenge and she is committing 3 to 4 lessons a week. Her Chinese speaking skills are actually quite good already as you can see and hear from this video. Show that you care by commenting on her notebook entry here! Shona is rooting for Japan during this World Cup. Jason   from the United States Our Community Tutor Jason has decided to put himself to the test learning Spanish. His Spanish is already pretty good, but he hopes that the Challenge will take his ability to the next level. Read his notebook entry and please leave some words of encouragement! Cynthia   from the United States Cynthia is learning Korean for the World Cup Language Challenge and shes committed to taking 2 to 3 lessons a week. She specifically wants to improve her speaking skills. Dont forget to send some words of encouragement in her notebook entry . Cynthia would like to see Brazil, Portugal, or Spain  win the World Cup! Pierre Bredel   from Brazil Pierre has signed up for the World Cup Language Challenge to improve his French skills. His dad is from France so he actually speaks French quite fluently already (check out his pledge!), but he really wants to push his ability to the next level. Show him some support by commenting on his notebook entry . Pierre predicts that its Brazil or French winning the World Cup! Amelia   from England Amelia is taking on Korean for the World Cup Language Challenge. Shes actually starting from scratch (actually 1 month in) to improve his French skills. She thought that the Challenge would be a bit too much at this stage in her Korean but after she sent us her Week 1 Update, it sounds like shes doing fine! Show her some support by commenting on her notebook entry . Amelia just sent up this her Week 1 Update. Not bad for a beginner at Korean, right? [Update] More Public Video Pledges Continuing from our first post of Public Video Pledges, weve received more from dedicated Challengers all over the world who have bravely posted their Public Video Pledge! (Click here for more details) We are very impressed by the massive turnout of Challengers from all around the world.  As we mentioned at the start of the Challenge,  we’ve got hundreds of Challengers learning more than 30+ languages on italki!  However, we did not mention the number of people who are not just learning one language but learning two or even three languages for the Challenge!  If you havent started learning a new language yet, you need to watch these Public Video Pledges as we hope these will serve as some inspiration for you to kickstart your New Years Resolution to learn a new language now! Tom from San Francisco We were blown away with this Public Video Pledge because Tom is not just learning one language or even two langauges  He is one of the few (there actually could be many more) that are learning 3 languages for the Language Challenge!  His Public Video Pledge is a bit longer than others because he speaks in 3 different languages (French, Norwegian, and Chinese) in the video. Please let him know how awesome he is by commenting on his post!  You have to check this out! Kirstin from New Zealand Kirstin is not just any Challenger, shes also a CELTA qualified New Zealand-born Professional English Teacher on italki.  Kirstin is in the category of Challengers who is learning not just one but two languages during the Language Challenge.   Shes learning Spanish and Chinese.  Please leave some words of encouragement on her notebook entry.  Her video is very impressive as she starts off with the languages that she is learning then goes into English, her native language. Ellen from the United Kingdom Halfway across the world, we have Ellen who is also learning multiple languages.  As a Community Tutor on italki, Ellen teaches English and is learning French and Japanese for the Language Challenge.  Cheer her on by commenting on her Notebook Entry! Fermin from Mexico Fermin is learning Chinese for the Language Challenge and is also a Community Tutor who teaches Spanish on italki.  His Chinese speaking skills are actually quite good already as you can see and hear from this video.  Show that you care by commenting on his notebook entry! Jaime from Peru We just received Jaimes Public Video Pledge.  Hes committed to taking 20 lessons learning Japanese to complete the Challenge.  His Japanese is already pretty good but he feels that he has some room to improve.    He even wrote his Notebook entry in Japanese so please show your support by saying some nice things to him to keep him motivated ?? Brad   from  Australia Brad is taking the Challenge for a very important reason to be able to speak to his girlfriends parents and family. Hes learning Spanish. Leave Brad some words of encouragement by commenting on his Notebook entry! Were pulling for you Brad and know you can complete the Challenge! Tak  from Thailand   Our Southeast Asia contingent finally has some representation with a Public Video Pledge.   Tak just joined italki on January 18th 3 days after the Challenge began but is brave enough to tackle the Challenge missing almost an entire week.  Wish him luck on his Notebook entry.  Taks pledge is made in Thai (his native language) and he is learning 3 languages for the Challenge: German, English and Japanese.   Not an easy task!  For those of you who are just learning one, this is very inspirational! Challengers, you have no excuses! If you just started the Language Challenge, you still have time to make a Public Video Pledge. Remember,  we’re giving away 50ITC if you make a Public Video Pledge!      If you really want to complete the challenge, a Public Video Pledge could be the right little motivator to make sure that you complete the Challenge as the world is watching and we all want you to succeed! Did I mention that were giving away 50ITC for one as well?

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